Dark Days
Thank you all for your concerns for me and my ant bite! I’m guessing you Americans quietly put this on your list as to why you’ll never visit us, never mind that we got absolutely No Sympathy from my Aussie friends, telling me how much more horrific their ant stories were than mine . Even my grandson declares that he was bitten not once but three times, and furthermore had to be brave because he was with his mates! Truth be known, this week has had a lot more than ant bites to be concerned about. God has been doing His ‘Sovereign’ thing in the illness of several near and dear friends. Now I realize that we are, after all, circling our 70’s, and because of that, these things are going to become more common because of our predictable mortality. Nevertheless I have to confess that it’s been hard to see God’s Hand in what our unchurched friends call “senseless tragedies”. We already know several who are doing daily battles with cancer, but this w...