
Showing posts from April, 2020

Humbled by Answered Prayer

Well, this has been a week hasn’t it?  Down here in Australia, the virus is waning but the restrictions are still strongly enforced. Fortunately we’re moving into Autumn, so we’re not tempted to camp or go to the beach so much. But that’s not why you’re here today, I’m guessing? You want to hear about the Child Soldier story I promised, right? I wish I could articulate how I’ve been feeling about this whole deal, but let me just start at the beginning:   A couple of weeks ago, I was feeling particularly discouraged, and so, (even though I don’t often do this) I prayed an honest but whiney prayer, “Lord, I need some encouragement .………. and I’d like someone….. anyone, to just call and say hello.” Then I went about my every day business.  Almost on cue, I GOT A PHONE CALL!  It was a FRIEND that I don’t really know that well, asking if I’d like to take a walk.  So, there was a request ‘granted’ so to speak.  But God wasn’t finished yet. Ton...

Eating Poison

Good Morning, I think many of you are familiar with the works of Edgar Allen Poe.  This morning, I came across an interesting comment he made while introducing a short story called “The Black Cat”. It’s often compared to his more famous work, “The Telltale Heart”, in that they both tell about a person who almost gets away with murder, but is finally brought down by his own sense of guilt. There’s a sermon right there, I suppose, but not one I’m getting ready to share. The part that grabbed me this morning was the way in which the story begins: “For the most wild, yet mostly homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief.” I had to smile a bit, and wonder how many of my blogs should have started that way. “I neither expect nor solicit belief.” For example, what would you say if I told you that one of Tony’s and my favorite things to eat for breakfast is a concoction that depends on poison for its preparation?  Do you believe me?  Maybe I s...

He Is Risen!

He is Risen!   Hello Everyone. Tony here. I managed to wrench the keyboard away from Marsha when she wasn’t looking, and she has graciously let me send out this week’s blog. I think she feels sorry for me, because I had just finished a smokin’ Easter message and was planning to share it with three different churches when the lockdown order came. Now I only have an audience of one, so she has suggested I share the gist – not the entire truckload -    of that message with you. It centers around those “Aha!” moments we experience once in awhile, when all the dots connect and understanding comes flooding in. For example (and I’d love to have seen the guy’s expression) the morning when he stepped outside, coffee in hand and admired the newly-completed Tower of Pisa. Pausing in mid sip, he looked again and asked out loud, “Is that thing   leaning ?” Aha. Jesus is the Master of orchestrating life’s “Aha!” moments for the sake of the Kingdom. We might wonder...

Cooling My Jets

Hello all you fellow humans who are locked up at the moment!   Here in Australia, the rules seem a bit Draconian. Like, if you're over 65, you’re only ‘allowed out of your home’ to seek medical help, pick up a few groceries and get a modicum of outdoor exercise. And of course, all that is provided we engage in “social distancing”.   I didn’t think we'd be GLAD that Tony must go to the hospital every working day, but it does give us a reason to get out of bed and put on some clean clothes. As I mentioned last week, we are ‘living’ for that little time out.  But as the weeks progress, and things are clamping down tighter, we’re not sure how many “lateral activities” we’ll be able to include while we’re out, or for how long.       Our children are careful to monitor just how much fun we have on the going and the coming, and we’re trying to obey……just. I think I’m thankful that they’re all so caring.     We’re relieved that we bo...