Our Quiet Heroes
A very good day to all, And it has been. After seemingly countless hours of waiting and watching, today we emerge as grandparents to our 4th little boy! YEAH! This week I want to give you one of J. John’s “Heroes of the Faith” with just a little twist to what’s on my mind right now. I find myself comparing this hero to my son-in-law, Chris. So first let’s have a look at Joseph. Yes, you guessed right, this is not about anyone in the recent past, but of Joseph and Mary, of about 2100 years ago, or as is more often stated, “Mary and Joseph”. J. John refers to him as one of the “Heroes in the Shadows”; and that fits perfectly with our new daddy, Chris. As we read in Matthew 13:55, Joseph was a carpenter. Chris uses his tools to create masterpieces in the IT world. In Matthew 1:19, we’re told that Joseph was a ‘righteous man’. Personally, I’ve always rejoiced that the description fits Chris as well. We ...