Who Makes It Grow?
Hello from a different spot on the globe! We finally made it to Hawaii! I don't know if it's age or circumstance, but we seemed to have more dramas than usual. Maybe it’s post CoVid but it seems that every plane these days is now jam packed. Since we fly standby, we were thankful to get the last two seats on the flight we wanted, but we were separated from each other back in the “hang onto the wing”section. Fortunately, a nice Japanese man was willing to juggle around seats so that Tony could be the one shoved up against me. Our two pieces of luggage took two entirely different routes, but again, fortunately, they managed to arrive together in Honolulu about the same time we did. And best of all, we were met by our dear friends, Bob and Gail who took us to their place for a couple of days of recovery before getting to work. Things kick off tomorrow morning with a chance to preach at a nearby church. Technically they’re Chinese, but they speak English so that’s a ...