
Showing posts from April, 2024

All in His Hands

 Hello Everyone,  I’dlike to share a story I heard just before we left Australia a couple of weeks ago.  It goes in the category of “Only in Australia”. Our friend works as an appliance repairman serving several little towns surrounding where we live.   One day an old Ute (pick-up truck) pulled up to his shop and a rather tough looking woman hopped down out of the cab.  She had driven several miles in from her sheep station.   After the obligatory “G’Day Mate” greeting, she sat down and said, “Gorsh, I’ve had a rock or something in my boot all the way down the hill,” whereupon she pulled off her boot and shook out, not a rock, but a Huntsman spider that measured at least five inches across!  My friend screamed (he’s a man) and the lady shrugged her shoulders as she went about putting her boot back on. Now let me clarify, Huntsman spiders are NOT poisonous, but the Aussies assure us,“Oh you’ll swell up and hurt like XXXX for several days, but ...

Born Free

 Good morning friends, I woke up last week, Easter morning, to a beautiful sunrise and in my head I was singing“Up from the grave He arose!” And then just as naturally, came from my deep psyche, the rest of the song,“With a mighty crashing to His toes!” I didn’t post this last week, because you need to experience Easter without my childhood memories crashing in. But it’s true.  For those of us that were absolutely born into Christian families, and I’m guessing there are many of you reading this blog, the awe of the faith may not be there for many years.  Instead, you may have found yourself sitting on the back pew making funny words to important Hymns.   You may be able to give me examples.  I think Tony grew up wondering who “Gladly,the Cross-eyed Bear” was. But I’m happy to say that even though my mother told me “Of course you’re a Christian, you prayed to receive Jesus when you were TWO!” My faith became REAL to me when, at 15,  I heard a sermon bei...