Salt and ..... ?
Hello Friends I wanted to “spice” things up a bit today, and you may be thinking I’m going to a lot of work to find the spiritual reference, but trust me: it’ll be worth it. You may have to look at today's blog as more of a travel log of our recent trip through Europe. The subject I'm talking about first came to mind a couple of months ago, while traveling through Amsterdam’s canals. It was pointed out that many of the buildings on either side of these beautiful narrow waterways are very old, dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries. It seems pretty obvious when you notice that quite a few of them don't stand straight up, due to the constant moving and sinking into the soft soil. In fact, some buildings have begun to depend on the building next door for support, which then requires laws about what a person can and cannot do to his property if it might cause the adjacent building to fall down. Just about every three to four-story building has a familiar prominent hook ou...