
Today I promised you some news, and also that then we’d quit talking incessantly about health issues.  
If you haven’t already heard being shouted from the housetops or on Facebook and various church prayer chains, it has been determined (as it was before) that Tony’s cancer is aggressive, but that it’s mostly contained with the only exception being a couple of lymph nodes that lit up under the radioactive camera. The doctor took that as fairly good news, so we will too. 
Surgery is scheduled for December 2nd which seems a long time to wait for something like this, but apparently all the butchery that’s been done already in order to ‘find’ the cancer has to settle down so that they can see what they’re doing.  In the meantime, we were told to get in as great shape as possible, since that will help with both the surgery and the recovery. We took that to heart, and Tony says that I’m now in “warrior mode”. Anything that cancer likes, such as sugar, meat and dairy products are off the table, literally. The plan is to starve that sucker (the cancer, not Tony!) before it even thinks about spreading any further. The plan is working, at least to the extent that Tony’s feeling and looking great, so spirits are high all around. 
Over breakfast most mornings, we’ve been reading from Oswald Chambers’ book, “My Utmost for His Highest”.  I like him because back in 1927 he knew how to say it like it was, and still is.  This morning he’s talking about “Discernment of Faith” and alludes to the fact that we are not necessarily to look for that “rosy feeling” that comes when circumstances work out the way you hoped and prayed. Rather, he says, as we mature in the faith, we grow to understand that (in his words), “I will remain true to God’s character whatever He may do.”  As Job said in the 13th chapter, verse 15, “Though he slay me yet I will hope in him”.  
We are overjoyed that we think we have a chance against this insidious disease called cancer, but we are also confident that God has got this! Granted, His definition of “got” may not be ours, but we are confident that He will see that His will is done in spite of the circumstances we look at. And that’s a big Win!
I promise now to look around and talk about something else next week. Meanwhile life scurries along. Tony’s preaching and writing and I’m procrastinating about those most onerous tasks like cooking and cleaning, both of us loving our kids and grandkids, friends and church members here on the Gold Coast.  We are also mindful that we’re not the only folks on the block with issues. Just looking around the church this morning at several cases of terminal diseases, fractured families and a world of hurt, it makes our own situation seem pretty insignificant by comparison. We do remember each of you who share with us your daily challenges, and we pray for you even as we cherish your prayers for us. We are truly a “Band of Brothers” like those soldiers who endure so much together; but in our case, we have the added blessing of knowing that there will come a time when all this is behind us and God is before us, drying every tear, holding us in His arms and bringing us into His Kingdom.
And that’s good news.
Happy trails,  


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