The Gift of Time
Thanks everyone for your comments last week about your ‘dangerous prayers’. It’s amazing how much all of our lives have changed in just a few days, because of this crazy virus. Fortunately for us, last week we had really good visits from both kids and families, before Australia cinched down the ‘social distance’ suggestions even further. We have been just about completely cut off from everyone these last few days. Except of course, for necessities. And for that, we are thankful that Tony’s radiation is considered ‘necessary’, meaning that once a day (except weekends), we can comb our hair and take the 20-minute drive to the hospital. By now, we have finished the first week, so that’s five treatments down and only 34 to go! So far, as expected, he has no side effects or discomfort. The doctors are warning of a little fatigue syndrome coming up soon, but that just means an excuse to take a nap! We are VERY thankful for this and will keep you posted. But back...