The Gift of Time

Thanks everyone for your comments last week about your ‘dangerous prayers’.

It’s amazing how much all of our lives have changed in just a few days, because of this crazy virus.  Fortunately for us, last week we had really good visits from both kids and families, before Australia cinched down the ‘social distance’ suggestions even further.  We have been just about completely cut off from everyone these last few days.

Except of course, for necessities.  And for that, we are thankful that Tony’s radiation is considered ‘necessary’, meaning that once a day (except weekends), we can comb our hair and take the 20-minute drive to the hospital.  By now, we have finished the first week, so that’s five treatments down and only 34 to go! So far, as expected, he has no side effects or discomfort.  The doctors are warning of a little fatigue syndrome coming up soon, but that just means an excuse to take a nap! We are VERY thankful for this and will keep you posted.

But back to all of us.  We were encouraged to pray “Dangerous prayers” last week, but I think for a lot of us, myself included, they came out more as “Coping prayers!” The feeling we’re dealing with during this government-mandated lockdown is reminiscent of a few times back in Colorado when we were snowed in for a day or two. But in this case, we look outside, and there’s no snow; just gorgeous Australian fall days begging us to come outside and play! (or pull weeds).

So this week, I have a new challenge for you:  I figure because we’re all locked down, I don’t have many great new things to tell you, no ‘big adventures, etc, so how about we just look to God and see what He reveals to us?  

We seem to have been given TIME……. time to sort out that drawer, look thru the recipe book for something to make with the food we have in the cupboard, read that book,  write that letter or call that friend.  Tony has spent endless hours sorting nuts and bolts in his workshop. Honestly, the place looks just the same as before, but Tony insists that it’s becoming a thing of beauty.

Craig Groeschel, the author of “Dangerous Prayers” had a good idea.  Try listing EVERYTHING you’ve prayed for just in this last week.  For example, mine would look something like this, “I want nice weather so that I can say it’s too hot to work in the yard.  I want Tony’s radiation to go well, so that I can be happy, I want my children healthy and happy and most of all I don’t want to get this virus”. But seriously? Is that really ALL that I’m about?

That’s about it.  A whole week, and that’s what I came up with!!  I feel a bit ashamed. Just a few hours ago, we experienced our second online worship session with our church, and I was reminded that there’s a whole world out there that I should be praying about.  In fact, I’m going to make a list this week, and see if I can attend to some ‘bigger issues’ in prayer.

At the top of my list will be the little bush hospital in Angola run by Trevor’s only American best friend, as least in Japan.  We worked alongside him and his family in Sendai, and we all sorta grew up together. He and his wife, both doctors, have sent out an SOS saying that they have well over 100 cases of children suffering with a bad outbreak of Malaria, with more coming in every day.   Their generator is broken, they have 3 children in each bed with the rest on the floor.  The government has mandated no travel whatsoever so the generator repairman can’t come.  They can’t even imagine what they might do if/when the Corona virus comes.

Please put them on the top of your prayer list and if you remember, as you may feel miserable in isolation from time to time, say a little prayer for them and their three healthy (at this point) children.

Happy Hibernating!  



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