
 Good morning, 

 I’ve been enjoying your perspectives on this little run we’re doing, exploring of the “Armor of God”.  I’m having fun wondering what the next ‘item’ will be each week, but I’ll have to say I was almost stumped on the shoe issue.

 I have a sister who absolutely loves shoes, but I must have been behind the door when that gene was passed out.  Tony is even worse; he has a total of three pairs of shoes.  Runners, a good (expensive and orthopedic and all that) every day pair, and a dress pair that give him a pained expression (good for funerals).  

 But what about this verse?  Ephesians 6:15, “and as your shoes the readiness to announce the Good News of Peace”. 

 Our profession and calling was (and still is) being missionaries, and by its nature we’ve always been sensitive to opportunities to  “Go where no man has gone before”.  But is that what Paul is really talking about here?  Now that we’re retired from most of that galavanting around, aren’t we still in “standby mode”…  ready to jump and run if called upon? 

Truth be known, our “jump and run” these days would be more like “Umph! and shuffle”. We are after all, retired and accustomed to being comfortable; but does that excuse us from still being ready to jump out and go to the needy, answer the door or phone and help the hopeless, the lost?  I think you and I both agree that these days we may do our best work in “announcing the Good News of Peace”.  In which case, now more than ever, we’d better look after our footwear.   

I have a framed Japanese painting of three little children with the words, "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, "Your God reigns!” That’s from Isaiah 52:7.  I treasure this picture because it was given to us by people who appreciated hearing the Good News.

And I’m pretty sure as you read that verse, you too are reminded of that beautiful chorus we used to sing,

 How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him Who brings good news, good news
Proclaiming peace, announcing news of happiness
Our God reigns, our God reigns
So how about it? Let‘s all give a thought to our footwear this week. Do you take care to support that firm foundation that you’ve been given, so that you’re on the ready to jump and run, or as the case may be, to “umph and shuffle”? Fully knowing that God will give you the strength you need when you need it……to carry the Good News.

Be brave, especially when you make your way to the polls!




  1. Teaching a youth class this weekend definitely challenged me to “be ready” and there were a couple of unexpected questions! I’m thankful for the Holy Spirit and the teaching He has done in my life. Mostly I need to remember that it isn’t taught for me only but to share!


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