A Pat on the Head

 (Note to Reader: This is another in our series of “River Crossings” blogs, written while we were in Thailand (2009-2011). Enjoy!

Today marks our seventh week of Thai language study, and as we keep getting exposed to all the language we don’t know yet, I figure in another month we should be totally illiterate! So, to celebrate the occasion and find some encouragement, Tony was blessed with the chance today to preach in Japanese. It’s a small group (about 30) of Japanese and Thai people who meet at a hotel not five minute’s walk from our house. I suppose a visit from royalty might have gotten a bigger response, but I don’t think so.  Having been  without  a  “real  live”  pastor  for  so long, they were determined to make the most of the situation, asking for not only a sermon, but also Lord’s Supper and a Benediction (reserved for the ordained in most Japanese churches). Tony gave it his best shot, pulled out the stops, and was like a kid in a candy store. Afterwards, a Thai lady came up to say that her Japanese husband was translating until about halfway through, when he started crying so much he couldn’t go on! “I’m going home now to get the rest of the message after he settles down,” she told Tony.

But here’s the best  part:  unbeknownst  to  Tony,  the sermon was streamed live onto the internet, reaching all over the place, including back in Japan! 

I know we’re supposed to be full time into Thai language study, and we are – really. But once in awhile God seems to know what our childish hearts need, and today it was a pat on the head and a “good on ya!” 

So let me take this opportunity to say the same to all you out there who are struggling today with whatever it is the Lord has placed before you. I know Jesus promised us a yoke that was “easy”, but the terrain we’re plowing is not always so gentle. Disappointments, heartaches and the seemingly impossible challenges can make life look pretty grim. 

I don’t need to tell most of you about the “prayer points” we’ve been sharing on a personal level. But let me just say that those shared burdens DO make us stronger, and somewhere down the line will give us reason to rejoice. For us, today was one of those moments. I pray that each of you will get a “good on ya” from someone you love real soon. Until then, here’s one from me.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy

and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30)



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