Got the Bubble?


Got the Bubble?

(Note to Reader: This is another in our series of “River Crossings” blogs, written while we were in Thailand (2009-2011). Enjoy!)

The other day as I was pouring myself a glass of water from our kitchen dispenser (you CAN drink the water in Bangkok, but only at your peril), I was startled by a loud gurgling sound, followed by silence... a sure sign that it was time to lug a new water jug into the house. The sound took me back to a faint childhood memory, sitting around the table while Mom poured Dad a cup of coffee. Suddenly a tiny burp came from the spout, and then Dad’s coffee was being filled with that muddy sediment from the bottom of the pot.

“Uh oh,” she said, “Looks like you got the bubble.” And from then on, the phrase took on a whole world of applications, all related to the fact that whatever we were doing, or pouring or saying, was just about to come to an end. “Getting the bubble” meant the last dregs were being drained out, and there was no more to come.

Now, I don’t have to be much of a preacher to see the obvious application here, as well as draw myself up to Brother Paul’s observation that he was “already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure.” (2 Timothy 4:6)

I heard a guy one time say, “If my life is indeed being poured out, then I figure by now I should be about half used up.” Ain’t that a fact! What  more terrible tragedy than to find ourselves arriving at the throne of God with energy unspent, strength unused, potential untapped? No, I think I want to get to Heaven and say, “Here I am, Lord; I’m totally drained. My life has been poured out, right to the bubble.”

Now don’t misunderstand me here; I’m not saying that my “bubble” has come, and I’m ready to hang up my spurs. I think (dare I say “hope”?) I still have a few good cuppas left in me. I’m not so sure about a Japanese pastor I visited with this last week. After several bypass surgeries, throat surgery and about 80 laps around the sun, this old gentleman is giving it a 101% just to stand up and preach on Sunday. But he’s doing just that, and he has my profound respect. And when his “bubble” does come, I can imagine him being lifted up to the Throne and God saying to him, “Well done; you’ve poured out every last drop for the sake of my Kingdom. Now come on inside and enjoy what I’ve prepared for you.”

You feeling “poured out” today? Good on ya! What was that old Folgers coffee commercial? “Good to the last drop.” That’s what I want, and that’s my prayer for each of you.

Love ya,



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