She's Baacckk!

 Hello Fellow Followers!

I hope you're still with me and doing well after I went all "troppo" and left you for about two months. Sorry for the abrupt departure but the cruise ship we were on set us adrift! Well, not exactly, but all the WiFi they promised turned out to be pretty much non-existent. Truth be told, that’s an excuse; the fact of the matter is, Tony and I both were feeling the effects of long CoVid, complete with chronic fatigue and a four-month-old cough that kept us awake 24/7. 

To add to all the ailments, we discovered that after being several weeks on a rocking boat, our bodies had decided this was the norm. When we stepped ashore in Durban, South Africa, I had trouble walking for a few days.  They call it 'sea legs' and it's real. I would turn to the left and have to take a big step to catch myself because I'd overcompensated for the non-moving floor.

When we finally arrived home in Australia to Grandkids, Christmas and all the excitement and wonder that was involved, I had to admit that I felt like I’d been drug behind the ship. But we wasted no time setting up doctor’s appointments to see what all had fallen off since our last visit. More on than below.

And so that's sorta where I find myself, here in the middle of January.  In fact, we've been 'home' for a month now and we're still not really settled.  Our house is being rented until July, and all our earthly belongings except for our suitcases are being stored there, inaccessible until the renters leave. Our daughter’s in-laws have graciously leased us an apartment, and with the time we have now to unpack and take a breath, we’re wondering if this might be a good chance to downsize? In between doctors this past week, we’ve been looking at apartments, but so far the only thing we have to show for it is a call from the cardiologist to say that I need to go get an angiogram. Remember the blog from Wales, when I told you about the night I spent in the ER with chest pains? That prompted a stress test the other day, after which the doctor said, “Well, I can’t rule out a blockage.” If any of you remember my dad, he'd had a QUADRIPLE bypass when he was in his fifties.  Thanks to modern medicine, I believe that I'm waaay ahead of him in health, but apparently, it's still a concern.

So, thanks for your prayers next Friday. I’ll check into the hospital prepared for stints if they’re called for, but hoping I’ll enjoy a nice bowl of jello and come back home. 

I will endeavour to start blogging to you lovelies again, but as my uncle once said, "Don't blog if you have nothing to challenge others to think about."  We'll see how we go. I would hope that God will keep 'reminding' me of His wonders and I'll keep filling up your inbox, but we'll see.

In the meantime, Happy New Year and here's hoping that this will be the best one yet! 



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