Being Brave

Good morning All,

Today as you read this, I believe it’s Palm Sunday.

I’ve been trying to tell this story for a few weeks now, and have hit that many incomprehensible difficulties, including actually losing the whole script about twice.  I’m no computer whiz, so it’s no surprise that I’ve lost it, but this ‘problem’ seems to have a supernatural flavour and has baffled the best.

Because you see, the subject is……….Satan! 

But then, with all this technical difficulty,,, isn’t God’s timing good that here we are on April 2nd!  Which marks Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

Now why talk about Satan, you say, and why THIS week, you say.  But think about it, this has to stand as the most active week in the history of the world for Satan to be at work.  Additionally, if you listen to the news, with the shootings and all you might want to think the times have never been worse.

Don’t you think that’s how Satan must have felt as Jesus headed for the cross? This was his last ditch effort to make Him give up what he came to do, and possibly Satan had to realize he’d be defeated soon.

And now the story I’ve been trying to tell you these last few weeks

It went something like this:

My sister has a friend, and she’s become my friend on Facebook although we’ve never met.  She’s a musician, comedian, ventriloquist, you name it, and I find her interesting.  Here’s what she posted….

God:  My dear child, I would like you to go to your State Capitol today, wear a cross, carry a Bible and just pray. There will be some sanctioned and organized Satanic rituals being performed (in a state that is quite conservative) and I want you to be there.

Friend: NO!  The capitol is a two-hour drive away and I’m just a normal person who is no match for those crazies, I would have NO IDEA what to do.

God:  I just told you what to do., wear a cross, preferably the biggest one you have, carry your Bible, and just pray.

Friend: But I’m scared.  Why me?

God: (no answer)

Friend: Ok I’ll go, but You know I’ll be scared the whole time.  Will you go with me?

God:  Always, my child.

And that was it.  She went, she prayed and she doesn’t know what, if anything was changed. But God asked her, and she went.

In our favourite Oswald Chambers book, “My Utmost for His Highest”, he writes on March 15th, “The Discipline of Dismay”.   In it he quotes Mark 10:32. 

“They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid.”

I think it’s OK to be afraid, like my friend.  She inspired me to step out even when our logic says to take care of ourselves.  Seeing her in action reminded me that we’re to do what God asks us, preferably without questioning Him.

 The disciples did that during this week of Passion, and we have a beautiful story as well as our Salvation as a result.

Have you ever been challenged to do something that you didn’t want to?  Did you do it?  Were you afraid? Was God with you?

Be brave, step out, and stay tuned.



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