Pride and Destruction


Good Morning!  I thought you might need a break from Hawaii events/history today.  I'm happy to say that we're fine, if a little hot. Tony's classes are going well and he enjoys learning from the students.

So today I'd like talk about something that happened to me many years ago.  I'm however, still learning from this rather humorous lesson.

But first let me start with a joke to help explain.

Apparently a man and his wife were out in a little boat fishing.  They hadn't caught anything and were getting cranky.  They decided to talk about what they'd do IF they did actually catch something, thinking that would cheer them up.

"So when we catch it, I'll pull it up and you take the knife and cut the line" the husband instructed.

"No, you need to use scissors to cut the line" the wife interjected.

"Knife" he said


This argument got more heated until he threw her overboard and said "Knife!" As he held her under.

She came up a couple of times to counter attack until he held her under a long time, thinking he'd won.

And at last, a bony arm broke the water and two fingers simulated the cutting motion of........scissors!

So now, let’s have a look in Proverbs.  The whole book of Proverbs is full of friendly reminders of how to live and what happens when we take our eyes off of God's leading.

Proverbs 16:18.  Pride goeth before a fall ...........

Over the years, I've come across people that lets just say, 'rub me the wrong way'

I think I've finally worked out that I'm a pretty strong willed individual (ya think?) and there has been pretty much a 'nemesis' waiting for me in most every church we've been in.  What I mean, is that usually, I can find someone who's as confident in his/her opinion as I am.  Sometimes we clash outright, and sometimes (I hope more so lately) I'm learning to simply smile and move on.

But not so many years ago, when this verse came into play.

It was in a Japanese church we were co-pastoring.  There was someone who (In my opinion) felt that she should be the third party in this leadership duo. She balked, bickered and quietly subterfuged many a plan.

And not only the church, but (again, I felt personally,) ME.

One day after church we were talking about making crème puffs (as you do when you're picking thru subject topics in order to avoid those that might just elicit more incendiary behaviour.)

"Oh, YOU CAN'T make crème puffs", she said, thrusting out her chest like she was an authority on the subject. "Better to  leave that for the professionals!" She smiled at me as if I were a recalcitrant child.  

And just like a three yr old, I took the bait and the fight was on.  I puffed (sic) out my chest and shouted, "I CAN TOO!  And I MAKE them all the time"

She shook her head and clicked her tongue, strolling away, outwardly showing me her pity.

Well,, as I said, she had lit my flame, and I went home that afternoon and made up a batch of EPIC light, fluffy, brilliantly golden crème puffs.  I stuffed them with a savoury mix and served them (as I was gloating), to my family for supper.  I held back a dozen or so for the BIBLE STUDY the next day.

Crème filled and garnished with fresh strawberries, I jumped out of the car the next day and, holding them high like a cartoon chef, waltzed down the sidewalk with a self satisfied grin.  I could imagine their adoration. I practiced my surprised look as I crooned, "Ah. These lil' o things? Garsh, I make them ALL the time"

That's when my foot (obviously not travelling  as proud as the rest of me) failed to clear a paver and I fell flat out, hitting the front door with the platter.  Down I went, scraping both knees.

When I looked up, there stood the entire ladies group, including the nemesis, who's smile was saying "Told ya!"  I stood up and my knees matched the strawberries on the door as they both dribbled down with red.

Then a interesting thing happened.  I conducted the Bible study, averting the occasional glances of pity and concern that I might be concussed, went home, bandaged my knees and then, like a fool, started up the the war again.  I whipped up yet  ANOTHER batch and to my amazement, for the first time ever, they fell!  I repeated the process almost daily, changing things like temperature and ingredients. Still the same result. 

Finally I felt God telling me, "Stop with the crème puff things! There are more important challenges for you to focus on in your  life than this!"

I accepted the rebuff .........but i couldn't help but  try again a year later, to the same dismal result.  And again........and again.  Always flat miserable little blobs.  

Finally, for everyone's sanity  I took a felt marker and put a line thru the recipe.  On it I wrote "Proverbs 16:18 STOP IT!"  

Many years have passed, and the nemesis and I have laid down the ax, probably after realising that, as in most churches, neither of us had as much control as we thought.

We often remind each other of this poignant verse. 

"Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall".

Have a good week and try not to be reprimanded byGod .........if possible



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