It's Been a Quiet Week
We used to listen to a pod cast called “Tales from Lake Woebegone” with Garrison Keillor. Maybe you’re familiar with it. He always started his program with the greeting, “Well, It’s been a quiet week in Lake Woebegone”. That’s kind of how I feel this week, but it hasn’t exactly been ‘quiet’, just pretty noneventful. As we get older, that’s sort of a good thing. So I thought I’d share a cute story I just read. I don’t suppose it’s very sound theologically, but it tickles me to see that there are a lot of different perspectives in our lives that aren’t quite wrong. Bear with me. Next week I’ll be back with profound thoughts and more importantly, news of Tony’s surgery and beginning recovery. So here’s how it goes. Again, pardon me if you’ve seen it before. When Forest Gump died, he stood in front of the Pearly Gates. St Peter said, “Welcome Forest. We’ve heard a lot about you”. He continued, “Unfortunately, it’s getting pretty crowded ...