Down to the Last Bit

 Happy New Year, again

This morning I was filling my Webster packs and had a thought I'd like to share.

Now for you who aren't from Australia, you may be wondering what a "Webster Pack" is.  It's something I'm going to guess most of you have and deal with weekly.

If you haven't guessed what I'm talking about, I'll tell you.  It's the 7-day pill dispenser that we all use.  I have two, because I'm lazy and like to load em up and leave it.  I use them because with three daily pills, I just can't remember if I’ve taken the day's dose or not. 

But apparently this wonder is Australian-born (who knew?), invented by a pharmacist here, (who ironically isn't named Webster) back in the early 1970s. His motive was to help seniors like me to be able to use their waning intellect for other things rather than 'Did I take my pills today?'

My point here, (wait for it) was the other day I realized that my life is just flying by, evidenced by the fact that I was filling my 'Websters' again .... another two weeks gone.

It seems like we just got back from Hawaii but in fact it's been two months.  It seems like I could roll around on the floor with my grandkids, or climb the stairs without grunting ........ or so many other things .... just the other day!  

The Bible says that Moses died at the ripe old age of 120, which was considered 'before his time' as he'd reached the end of the trail with God.

Read about it in Deuteronomy 34:7-8 

Moses was 120 years old when he died. His eyesight was sharp; he still walked with a spring in his step. The People of Israel wept for Moses in the Plains of Moab thirty days. Then the days of weeping and mourning for Moses came to an end.

But I always remember that the Bible took the time to include the fact that “His eyesight was sharp and he still walked with a spring in his step"

Maybe when we're walking with God, serving out our purpose, it's easier to put up with not only the aches and pains but the quick passing of our days.  Statistically, there are more and more centurions around these days. That’s good news, but more important to me is the quality of life those into those years. I want to come to the place when all my Webster packs are empty and I have no more to give. What a sad thing it would be to come before God with strengths and abilities that were never used for His Kingdom. Do you think, “I was saving myself for …” would be a good excuse? 

When will that days come? Sometimes I think I’m right around the corner, then others, like today, I can say, “Hey! I still got it! What can I do today?”

Hope you have a blessed week up ahead!


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