
Showing posts from February, 2024

A Time and a Place

 It was 32 years ago this week that our son, Trevor, died. We don’t dwell on the date much anymore, but it does give us a chance to “check systems” and discover to our delight that God is still there and still bringing that comfort and assurance. I can’t help but recall Romans 8:28 during this time and realize anew that things really ARE “working together for good”. In the first year after his passing, a church sprang up, built on shared grief; for awhile, it was the fastest growing evangelical church in Japan, and 32 years later it’s still going strong.  Not a ministry tool I would have chosen, but I have the assurance that this will be only one of many “good things” to have come about through this deepest valley. But I have to look back and remember the day when a well-meaning church member reminded us of that verse, and unfortunately the timing was just not right. We were in Alaska, driving up from California on a family camping/exploring trip, on our way back to another ex...

Yes and Amen

 As a lot of you know, Baptist Celebrity (if there's such a thing) Henry Blackaby died this last Sunday.  He was 88.  We didn't know if he was sick, the obituary just said he 'died peacefully'. We had just read his morning devotional in his famous book "Experiencing God Day by Day" when we noticed the news. I won't say we were friends, but we knew him.  We'd even shared a private conversation or two. I don't think we in any way changed his life, but he certainly influenced ours.  The devotional on the day he died, was from 2nd Corinthians 1:20. “For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.” Henry talked about when we walk in intimate fellowship with Christ, we have the assurance that every PROMISE God has made in Scripture is available to us, within God’s wisdom and timing. I don’t know about you, but I find this Corinthians Scripture comforting.  I have this bad habit sometimes, when we interact with...

Rules Are Rules

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog ‘confessing’ that we had been breaking some of the rules.  After I wrote it, we thought, much like teenagers, that we better not post it because our ‘guardians’ might read it and then we’d be in real trouble! Now I can’t find what I wrote, we did such a good job hiding our deceit, but in the ensuing time, we’ve confessed and got the resulting raised eyebrows from our kids. We’ve promised to take more heed of the things they try to do to protect us. So regarding these rules, it involves ladders and other dangerous things.  Some of you will relate. Since we arrived home in November, we’ve been trying to get our ladder back from where it’s been over the last couple of years at the kids’ garage. Finally the kids came clean about the delays, and said, “You don’t need to be on a ladder at your age!” We were offended, of course, and may have thought, a bit disrespectively “What do they know?” Then a neighbour walked by as I was weeding the front yard....

God Hath Not Promised

 Good Morning Followers,  It’s Sunday morning where you are.  I’m a little sad and a little bit relieved, to say Tony’s still in the hospital.  Everyone here wonders with awe how American hospitals can throw you to the curb after something like a Total Knee Replacement in just a couple of days, but elsewhere in the world, that’s not the case. Some say that it’s probably more‘progressive’ to make you fend for yourselves quicker, rather than being pampered “In Hospital”, as they say here, for 5+ days.  I remember Tony had a shoulder replacement in Thailand 10 or so years ago and that was 7days!  We’re a bit spoiled.   I can’t say I’m sorry to still be commuting back and forth from home because until he gets more independent, I’m afraid that he’d end up in a heap with me underneath him! Every day it gets better, but as everyone has told us, it’s just hard work for a while. Which makes me think about life.    I recently mentioned a friend wh...