God Hath Not Promised

 Good Morning Followers, 

It’s Sunday morning where you are.  I’m a little sad and a little bit relieved, to say Tony’s still in the hospital.  Everyone here wonders with awe how American hospitals can throw you to the curb after something like a Total Knee Replacement in just a couple of days, but elsewhere in the world, that’s not the case. Some say that it’s probably more‘progressive’ to make you fend for yourselves quicker, rather than being pampered “In Hospital”, as they say here, for 5+ days.  I remember Tony had a shoulder replacement in Thailand 10 or so years ago and that was 7days!  We’re a bit spoiled.   I can’t say I’m sorry to still be commuting back and forth from home because until he gets more independent, I’m afraid that he’d end up in a heap with me underneath him! Every day it gets better, but as everyone has told us, it’s just hard work for a while. Which makes me think about life.   

I recently mentioned a friend who's going through a hard time, a song that was played at my Mother's funeral when I was just 14.  I've never forgotten the message

God hath not promised skies always blue,

Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through;

God hath not promised sun without rain,

Joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day,

Rest for the labor, light for the way,

Grace for the trials, help from above,

Unfailing sympathy, undying love. 

Sometimes it’s just ‘hard work’.  I was looking at the prayer letter of some young missionaries in Japan, and as I read I just felt TIRED.  They just received a new couple on the field, and the picture shows them surrounded by mounds of luggage, holding a toddler, obviously shattered by such a long trip, but with a look of excitement and zeal,representing such a strong call,  in their faces. Remember those days?  Maybe God’s plan for how our bodies work is correct.  We start strong and gradually find that we have to hand it over to the younger ones.  Only they have the blind ambition to charge in and attack the challenge.  We just want to take a nap. I’m sure that even we will get rested and excited about the things ahead.  Tony will have to get home soon because he starts the next semester at the Seminary this next Friday.  Thankfully it’s going to be on Zoom from the comfort of his office this time instead of us going to Hawaii to work . We’re excited to have about 5 African Pastors joining us, so it should be interesting!! I’ll probably have a lot to tell you about that next week. Meanwhile, ya’ll take care, get the rest you need and remember God always gives us strength for the day, no matter what the task is!  

Till next time,  



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