Self Sacrifice?

 Good Morning Friends,

Happy Mothers day!  This is one celebration that’s the same in the States as well as Australia and I think my topic today applies.

As you are following my adventures now on this ‘road trip’ we’re taking for the next 3 months (sorry about that, and thanks for your patience!), I’d like to share with you some thoughts I had last week.

So we had a riotous time for several days with my sister, who successfully turned 80, in San Diego.  She had invited 8 or her lifelong friends, who just happened to tally up to be  4 Christian girls and 4 who wouldn’t call themselves Christians, but were very agreeable to be around. We were all ‘ladies’ and adroitly avoided any inflammatory discussions, probably knowing we might be too old to gain any advantage.

But then the one who was the most outspoken (about almost everything that I would totally disagree with) said something that floored me.

We were joking about something to do with being self centred, and I took my place as the baby sister and announced “I would definitely be the MOST self centred person here” (you’re reading this blog so you would agree, ‘It’s all about me’ most of the time).

I was certainly taken aback when this woman shouted out, “No, You’re the most SELF SACRIFICING person I’ve ever met because you’re a MISSIONARY!”

For once I didn't refute her, mostly because I was (can you believe it?) speechless.

Make no mistake.  I have never for a millisecond thought I was sacrificing anything to be who or where I am.  I LOVE the life that God called me into when I was only 17.  I don’t think I’ve ever suffered or refrained from enjoying  anything in my life.  We can talk about losing loved ones, missing precious weddings and funerals because we were so far away, and physical ailments that can only be found deep on the "mission field", but that's life, and everyone has their share, so matter where they are. all in all, it’s been such a blessing and joy and continues to be every day.

Case in point: this week we’re at the ‘ole home place’ of Tony’s youth. It's a true family gathering of the “north Texas bunch”. I could hardly keep from crying with love and gratitude for the 25 or 30 of us, loving God and all things BBQ.  It just doesn’t get any better.  Tony’s been out ropin’ and taggin' cows (well, he’s the official gate opener and closer and picture taker), doing what his cousin’s wife refers to as ‘contributing’.

But back to ‘Self Sacrifice”.  Clearly this lady doesn’t know how Christianity works.  She doesn’t operate on the Christ model, Who, the Bible tells us, "Christ Jesus, Who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:5-8). 

Now THAT'S what I call ‘self sacrificing’!!

Back to the cousins, I really do tear up to see how ONE cousin's simple meeting with Christ 30 years ago has led the whole pack of them to be vibrant Christians. So amazing, so edifying.

I must apologise to you many Texans that we’re neglecting at this visit.  We just can't get everyone into the limited time we have here, but want to assure you that we'll make you a priority when we get back this way in October (more on that later). 

Next Sunday we’ll be coming to you from Colorado, my sister's and my home state. Unfortunately most of the folks we  know, like us,  have pretty much moved on, but some of those are coming back from neighbouring states to celebrate (once again) my sister's 80th! Wow.  It’ll be nice to see the mountains again.

This morning, watching the sunrise over a pasture filled with those brilliant flowers known as "Indian blankets", I kept asking myself, "Is this what 'self sacrifice' is all about?" 

What do you think; would you consider that your life has been marked by sacrifice? I'd love to hear your comments on the subjects. 

Laters, Marsha


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