Dangers About

 Good Morning. 

This morning we’re still in Texas, have had a lovely week juggling relatives and friends, but unfortunately missing quite a few.  I’m glad for the forgiveness of many of you who still care about us even tho we never show up on your doorstep. If I don’t lose my mind before the next visit, those of you who got played over will be on the first of the list! 

We’re happy to report that, except for a couple of “Come to Jesus” moments, we mostly drove on the correct side of the road. Tony would like to add that, so far, he has managed to negotiate the Dallas freeway system without breaking anything or losing his mind. 

We also were made aware of the importance of one’s political stance, and even tho we never had to deal personally with it, came to understand that some folks are quite sensitive about the pronouns they identify with. Get me home!!! 

In amongst all that, we ALMOST managed to vote in the US election – just a few more hoops to jump through. If I’d been just a touch more cheeky, I’d have suggested that voting might have been easier if we were illegal aliens! But I behaved, and hopefully in a few more days we’ll be able to cast our votes in the coming chaos. On the other hand, we did manage to vote by phone for our Aussie leadership. So nice and easy. 

Now speaking of ‘Danger’, there’s plenty of it still around.  Last Sunday I was the victim of my own habit of just skimming emails, when I agreed to teach Sunday School in our home church here in East Texas.  Somehow I pictured about 6 lil ol’ ladies sitting knee to knee in a circle, and yet, when led to the door, was confronted by hundreds (Ok, maybe it was like 40, but seemed Waaay more than that) of INTELLEGENT looking people, looking like they wanted to hear something cognizant from ME!  I shuddered for days about that.  .   . There’s no excuse for being so unprepared.  My apologies.

But I really need to put all this in perspective and quit complaining. Did you know, for example, that toasters kill 791 people a year?   Sharks only 9. 

A desk has 400X more bacteria than a toilet, and don’t even start on the remote control!  

Apparently we consume about 1 lb (500 grams) of insects on average a year.

Peanut Butter is deemed safe and saleable if it only has 30 insect parts per 100 gm (1/2 cup). 

Dust mites double the weight of your mattress in 10 years and 10% of your pillow may represent mites as well.

Now that you’re cringing in the corner, we’d like to ask for your prayers as we walk in some ‘dangerous’ territory over the next few weeks.  We have to make some big decisions.  Nothing too dramatic, I think we’ll stay married, but should we downsize or hold out a little longer? Should we accept that next invitation for Tony to teach his discipleship course, even tho it’s in a place that is decidedly less safe and comfortable than anything we’ve tackled lately? ……. things like that.

Anyway, we always appreciate that you’ve got our back.

We’ll be finishing up our missionary reunion this morning and heading back to Australia tomorrow!  As we used to tell our children, “We’ll be back when you least expect us!”

Always, Marsha

PS. Many of you share this blog, so if it would make it easier for you, I’m attaching our website where it goes up every time we post.  Thanks so much, and as I said last week, I’m quite sure that this blogging means more to me than you. Your participation blesses me so much!



  1. Thank you for the blog. I always enjoy reading it on Sunday mornings.


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