That Marvelous Meeting
Many years ago in Japan, Tony used to minister to a group of young men in what was called a "bed school". He had about 10 guys who he met with every week. They were young adults who loved talking to foreigners about so many things, including Christ. This “bed school”, as it was called, was built for the sole purpose of housing and caring for people who had been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy. A little research will remind you that Muscular Dystrophy is mostly in the male population as well as being genetic and incurable even to this day. Of course, they were wheelchair bound adults by the time Tony met them, but most of them had come into the facility when they were four or five years old. Thankfully, now attitudes are changing in Japan, but in the last generation of so, any physical “abnormality” was not acceptable to society as a whole. To have just about any physical or mental defect meant that you were separated from public li...