No Orphans Here

I read something interesting this week, although I must admit it wasn't in the Bible. In fact, it was an excerpt from a Charles Dickens book, "Mugby Junction". If you’ve come across any of Dickens’ stories, you know they all pretty much mirror his famous classic, “A Christmas Carol.” But I liked what he said in this book about families. It goes like this:

"Family not only needs to consist of merely those with whom we share blood, but also of those to whom we'd give blood".

Think with me for a second, okay? Who do we feel that we could actually “give blood" for? And I’m not talking about going down to the local blood bank. Is there anyone for whom you would give your life?

Some of you might say to me, "Well, technically you don't have any family you share blood with except your sister, since your children are adopted.” But you know, I look at my two beautiful children who in the words of a friend, were not “expected”; they were “selected”.  It’s amazing how many traits we see in them that outsiders would swear came from our own gene pool. From personality types, eye colour, looks and even blood types!  God has created a magnificent universe and I'm pretty sure we don't yet know everything about environment vs genetics.  Even my grandchildren bear a few resemblances to us.

But my point is that FAMILY, however you define it, is pretty important to all of us.  

And I hope and pray that everyone reading this today can point to someone or two who, like David and Jonathan, who are “closer than brothers".  Maybe because we lived such a transient life, we have “non-related” parents, siblings, and children all over the world. It always does my heart good, whenever we come across missionary kids whose parents worked with us over the years. To see them smile and call out, “Aunt Marsha! Uncle Tony!”  Well, you just can’t put a price on that.

According to our friend Google, the word "family" is only mentioned about 120 times in the Bible, but when you add references to family relationships like children, parents and households, the number rises to over 1500 mentions. I don’t think I’d get much argument when I say that families are important to God. And consider the fact that, in His love and mercy, God has given us the awesome task of nurturing and protecting every family member that comes our way. Sometimes that's an easy and delightful job, and sometimes, well, it can be a challenge. 

And then there's "The Family of God".  Tony always greets congregations all over the world as his “Brothers and Sisters in Christ”, and it's so true.  Most recently in Kathmandu, we found ourselves worshiping in a language we’d never heard spoken before. After THREE HOURS, the joy had not subsided, and we could feel the unity all around us.  Such a rush.

And so, as we soldier on into this new year, let's enjoy the gift of family. Whether you’re on the receiving or the giving end, and whether your “sharing” or “giving” blood in the process, know that God approves. He’s the Heavenly Father who assures us in John 14:18, “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” 

Come Lord Jesus. 

Happy trails, wherever you are, 



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