Running With Patience
For many years, maybe since we were young
marrieds, we’ve had a ‘Wall of Witnesses’ hanging in our bedroom. These
are pictures of people who have greatly influenced us over the years. Our
parents, my grandmother, other couples and individuals who have helped make us
who we are. The idea behind this collection is taken from Hebrews 12:1-3.
I’m sure you’re all familiar with it, where Paul says,
seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us
lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us
run with patience the race that is set before us.”
I’ve kept this collection of pictures in my
bedroom because that seems to be where I spend most of my ‘reflective’ thought
and I like to look at them occasionally to ‘check’ how I’m doing.
Unfortunately for us, 10 of these people now influence us from heaven,
but how they handled their deaths (at least 4 by dementia), also factors in as
they still remind us how to live.
So moving up to the present now. This week has
been hard on me because I’ve never been good with being patient and we’ve been
waiting for test results on both of us. I think it’s interesting that the part
in Hebrews about “running with patience” is translated several different ways,
including patience, endurance and determination; but they all come from one
Greek word that talks about “staying power”, something we all need from time to
Happily, I Finally got the A-OK from my
doctor, yes my numbers are off, but he says it’s “age appropriate”, and I need
to see him in a year. Whew.
Tony’s another story. After being told
last week to come in on Thursday for an MRI on his prostate, and then promising
we’d talk to the doctor immediately afterwards, we felt that THIS would finally
give us some answers, something to help us get a handle on this.
We went in, even arriving early as we were more
than enthusiastic. The MRI went without a hitch, which was admirable since he’s
a bit claustrophobic.
Then we hurried over to the doctor for the
We were greeted by the receptionist who,
turning casually towards us, said flatly. “Oh, we don’t have the results,
so you need to come back NEXT Wednesday" (7 days away). We looked at
each other in dismay and then politely asked if we’d heard her right. She
couldn’t possibly be saying "Wait 7 days to know if you have
cancer!’" But as she
cracked her neck and straightened up in her chair, she volleyed back, “The
doctor is VERY busy and he CAN’T see you till then”. And as we
gaped in surprise she added a weak “sorry”, as if explaining that she’d
run out of Chocolate ice cream!
Last week in our Bible study we expounded on
the theme “They’ll know we are Christians by our love”, but I forgot about
that, as I (although I can’t really remember) might have put one knee on the
counter and was readying myself to take her out. Tony looked more disturbed
than he usually does and I thought maybe he’d give me a lift up.
We begged and cajoled and got nothing. We
suggested other doctors and then threatened to go elsewhere, all rebuffed by
her inimitable stubbornness as she reeled off things like “That’s not how it
works” and “You can’t do that”. I haven’t been that mad in awhile, not at
her but the ’system’ that plays so handily with our lives. She refused to give
an inch, and we finally had to acquiesce to our bad luck. I got in the
elevator and told some complete strangers what I thought of socialized
medicine. I think I also included what I thought of my adopted (what was I thinking)
country, Australia. Tony gently reminded me later that I didn’t have to
ruin anyone else's lives just because I was upset.
On the ride home I called my sister, perhaps
the best sounding board because she’s 10,000 miles away. She suggested a
gun and maybe a call to the president, or better yet some fake news media.
Then I called my ‘go to friend’ here, and she
was livid. She’s a firm believer of what they call “Gap” insurance that
is supposed to prevent this very thing from happening. We pay for that
every month and still somehow we’ve arrived at this result. What kind of
system can put you off for a week because the doctor is “busy?” As we continued
home, still fuming, we convinced each other that we had heard the clatter of golf
clubs in the doctor’s office.
And then, when I told every sympathetic soul I
could find, I went to my next defense: a nice pout and nap in my room.
And there they were. My witnesses looking
down at me, possibly with a disappointed sneer of distain, as if to say,
“Didn’t we raise you better”? I’m pretty sure my Daddy’s
smile had faded and his eyebrow was raised.
I had my answer. It was time to ‘run with
patience’ and act like I believed in a greater God than my own desires.
I called the poor receptionist and apologized. I guess you shouldn’t
shoot the messenger. Then I went to sleep and when I woke up I could hear Tony
talking on the phone.
You guessed it. We found out the next day
when Tony went in to do some paperwork (I waited in the car this time), that when the
receptionist hung up the phone from my apology, she noticed the Doctor
leaving and grabbed his arm to plea our case.
Yes, the doctor said, there is an
abnormality and he’ll move things around a bit and get Tony in for a biopsy
this next Tuesday the 15th (Monday in America). We don’t mind asking
you for a prayer of complete healing. But we also know that whatever
happens, God is in it, and we’ll try to proceed with more style and grace………and
keep you posted. They say they'll have results by Thursday or Friday.
Who’s been an influence in your life and are
they watching you now?
Thank you for being my sounding board and
support. We really appreciate you
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