Arrived in Honolulu

 Good Morning Friends,

Sorry if you’re waiting for my book to begin on this space.  Hopefully next week, I say ‘hopefully’ because we’ve got a lot to work out with the technology, but if you’re our age, you can appreciate our challenges!

We have arrived safe and sound in Hawaii.  We are tucked away in our friend’s house, (they’re in Australia at the moment), loving that we can veg and get our energy back, as we ‘isolate’ for three days, as per protocol.

The trip over was especially good, thanks to all your prayers.  Good in the sense that everything went as clockwork with the special Covid testing that could only be taken just hours before the flight. Our bags weighed a TON (don’t travel with a professor who takes his own textbooks), and we had to collect them from the first leg of the trip and lug them to the international airport, then wander around the airport (dragging the bags) until our test results came in and we could finally check in.  By the time we arrived in Honolulu, we felt like the proverbial "Wreck  of the Hesperus", in spite of the smooth flight. Again, thankful that we can recuperate for a few days till we start what we came to do.

Thank you for your prayers and interest.  Hawaii is as beautiful as we remember it, although we haven’t been out except for a short trip to the shops to source food.

Love and thanks to all, watch this space.



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