Multiplying Rewards

 Hello Everybody,

Hope you had a wonderful 4th of July and are ready for another great Sunday.

I also hope you're enjoying my weekly blog, which at the moment is a collection of excerpts from the book, "River Crossings". 

Today I wanted to send along a personal insert with a video clip from the church service we went to a couple of Sundays ago.  The pastor is Dr. Jonathan Hayashi, one of three full time Christian ministers who call a lady named Yukiko  "Mom".

You may remember that Yukiko was the very first person we led to the Lord, baptised and performed her wedding in Japan, all around  40 years ago. By a chance meeting with Jonathan, he asked us to come to his church and share a bit of her story. 

Clicking on the link below will take you to the Facebook page of Northern Hills Baptist Church. The whole service of June 25th was fantastic and worth watching, but if you just have time to catch a glimpse of us, push the time bar and the bottom of the screen to the 7:00 minute mark. Our part goes to 16 minutes. The delivery isn't that great, but please look beyond it to the Hand of God at work. From very unlikely places, He has shown Himself quite capable of using His people for His work, in His time.

I hope this blesses you as much as it blesses us!  

Love, Marsha 


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