What Trumps a Monk?

 This week, we saw something interesting while riding the train here in Bangkok. Quite often, you’ll see a teeny little sign above some of the seats on the train that say, “Please give this    seat to a monk”.

Well, a monk got on the train and headed toward the middle of the car. Almost immediately, somebody JUMPED up and offered him a seat. Then the ‘dance’ began. As the monk sat down, the people on either side also exploded out of their seats up as if there were springs underneath them, now giving the monk THREE seats on a crowded train.

Then at the next stop, some guy with more nerve than me (I don’t think he was Thai), sat down next to the monk, completely ignoring him but still leaving an empty seat on the other side of the holy man.

At the next stop, a lady carrying a baby got on. The guy who didn’t mind sitting next to a monk got up and offered her his seat. She smiled and sat down.

Now it was the monk’s turn. He SHOT up out of his seat and stood till the next stop.

So you say, “Women trump Monks?” Who knows?

I thought about our body language and how it reflects what we believe inside. Thai people are deeply religious, or at least deeply superstitious, and NOBODY wants to   be caught touching a monk. We were told when we first  got here to avoid all physical contact, out of respect. If  a woman ever wanted to give anything to a monk, she would have to lay it down in front of him, or else give it to  his helper, so as to avoid the possibility for contact. But giving up your seat to a monk probably gives you merit with the Powers that be, or at least they think so.

Where do we stand with our ‘body language’? Tony remembers back in Australia one morning as he was out for his daily walk/jog/pray time. As he was praying that morning, he discovered that he had unconsciously moved over so that Jesus would be on the street side, in the protective role. Tony chuckled to himself when he  realized what he’d done. He’s been known to do that for me, unconsciously moving to the street side when we’re walking. Realistically, I don’t suppose his body is going to be much protection against a cement truck, but it’s a sweet thought and I love him for it. And then we both have to admit, when you LIVE your beliefs, they come out in your actions.

Chew on this today, okay? What is your body language saying this week? ‘Nuff said.



"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7, KJV) 


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