Pieces of Peace

 Good Morning All,

I don't know about you, but between moving back into our house after 2 years and Christmas looming, stirred in with a heat wave that's made the news, it's been quite a week. But as I sit here writing this, much later than I usually do, I have to say my heart is full.

Just when we were at our wit’s end physically (it's amazing how feeble we've become over the last few years, where we can't seem to just lift a couch and move it across the room for the carpet layers to get access), both kids showed up with muscles, food and lots of cheer.  Somehow that and the pool made the weekend a success. (Please keep in mind that we're not rich; most Aussie homes, at least in this area, are more likely to have a pool than an air conditioner)

But the greatest blessing this weekend was a short word I just heard at my son's church.  They had their annual Christmas pageant, and our 3rd grandchild, Micah, had a significant part, so of course we all wanted to go.

But what the MC had to say was so appropriate.

Apparently in his household, they always do a jigsaw puzzle at Christmas .... and then either by design or bad luck, there's always a piece missing.  And that missing piece usually leads to great consternation.

Then the MC continued, “We can all see that there is more than one PEACE missing in the world around us today; and all the more important then, the Good News that Jesus is the "Reason for the Season".

I was so moved by the simple invitation to make Peace with our Saviour and in the process discover a peace like we’ve never known, along with the “pieces in our lives” falling together in wonderful ways.

Most of you already know this Source of Peace, but I have a lot of 'hits' on the internet, and all I can say is that if you're reading this and don't know the Saviour, Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem, King of Kings, please make every effort to find someone and talk about it. 

I’m looking forward to watching as the “pieces” of this chaos that is our house today begin coming together this week. With a little bit of Grace, I might even have my own act together before next blog time. Until then, enjoy the season, and keep all your bits together! 

Love and Peace to all, 



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