Feeling God's Pleasure

 So would you believe this blog is now coming to you from our old stomping grounds in Bangkok, Thailand?? 

For those of you who have commented that we’ve been on the road for entirely too long, you’ll be happy to hear that we’ve come around the back stretch (with a sigh of relief to be out of crazy Europe) and will be back where we belong in Australia in just over three weeks! It has been, I admit,  a rather gruelling time, mixed with wonderful family visits, ministry opportunities and just plain tourist stuff, but each time we set out on something like this, we’re driven by two motivations: first, we want to pack all we can into this time and money investment, and second, each time we say to ourselves, our advancing age is going to put a stop to all this pretty soon.

I think maybe that second motivation is rearing its head lately. Maybe it’s just that Tony is recovering from knee surgery, but I suspect that’s more to it this time. Traveling has been HARD; and right now all I can think about is sitting on the porch back home with close friends and a cuppa. 

But things are easing off as we speak. Bangkok has always been one of our “happy places”, filled with great memories of rewarding times spent with Japanese friends and super mission colleagues. And don’t forget mango sticky rice! In a few days, we’ll be off to the next and final stop before heading home. The international church in Hong Kong has asked us to preach and then lead Tony’s “Anagaion” discipleship course. That will be a lot of work for both of us, but as you probably know, for Tony, this is like pouring gasoline on a flame. I’m predicting a huge burst of energy very soon now.

But first a story from along the way.  Remember what I said last week about the runner Eric Liddell saying, “When God created me, He made me fast.  When I run, I feel his pleasure”?

While I’m not going to be winning any foot races, I think I know what Eric was talking about. Feeling God’s pleasure; that sense of knowing that you’re doing something He called you to do, and even if you’re not doing it very well, you just know that He’s smiling and saying, “That’s My girl!” 

That point was underscored the other day at a truck stop just outside of Ephesus, in Turkey. You Americans will understand when I say this place was at the opposite end of the scale as Bucky’s. The rest of you, ask me and I’ll tell you about the greatest rest stop on the planet.

But back to this place in Turkey. Think “squatty potty”, hotter than blazes and every snack is dried even if it wasn’t intended to be.  It did have a particularly interesting gift shop, though, and I was drawn to a display of dried (naturally) figs. Holding a two-pound box in my hand, wondering how I was going to get this into our already bulging carry on suitcases, a beautiful young girl came up.  She had Asian eyes, excellent English, and obviously worked there.  She told me she was from Kazakhstan ….. AND she had taught herself English, mostly from books and ‘You Tube”.

Then she continued, looking at my box of figs.  “Oh!” she offered cheerily,  

“Old people like you, find these a lot of help when you have trouble with the Big Toilet. Even better when you dip them in olive oil!”

“I smiled, and said, “We are not that old,” even as I put down the BIG box of figs and picked up one much smaller and arguably less dangerous.  

We continued to talk about her and her adventures, and I realised that she represents one of life’s real learners.  I also understood that she was wide open to any and all of the ever available ‘pathways’ to life.  I gave her one of our last name cards, said we’d all be praying for her and suggested she follow this blog (to enhance her English, I offered).

So what’s my point? Simply that I didn’t know how in just a short moment, to help this young woman in her search for God, but I was encouraged that we were able to talk openly and honestly. I can’t help but think that God looked at our exchange and agreed with me that while I might have done better, He was still able to smile and say, “This is what you were meant to do”.

Sometimes that’s all we can do, isn’t it?  Don’t let what you see as reality keep you from doing what God is leading you to do. “Feeling His pleasure” is one way we can be assured that we’re following our calling, whatever that is. When you have a chance, won’t you write and tell me what you do to “feel God’s pleasure”? 

And don’t forget to pray with me for this sweet girl from Kazakhstan. God can finish off whatever we start in a way that He will be glorified.  

Love and blessings,



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