The Race Set Before Us

 Hello Fellow Travellers,

First of all, please let me apologize for accidentally (possibly) sending you not one but TWO old blogs yesterday.  I was doing some ‘cleaning up’ on my laptop and must have pushed the wrong button.  It’s probably good that I can remain humble when it comes to technology.

Anyway, this last week, we were able to get away from Europe. When we stepped off the plane in Thailand, we certainly breathed a sigh of relief, the humidity, the sounds and smells, all of it suggested “home”.  Europe had worn us out.  The crawl onto the plane thru the crowds in the Amsterdam airport had taken over 4 hours, just to get to the gate!  Needless to say, it was exhausting.

Settling into Bangkok, we began to relax.  We saw old friends, Tony visited his favourite hospital for X-rays and consults to find that his knee is ‘on course’, recovering well, even though it’s still sore.

I went for a “Thai massage” which to those of you who know, is like a round in the ring.  I haven’t had one in several years, and the pain and agony, combined with the occasional  “ah!” brought out a lot of my forgotten Thai words, like “slow down”,“easy does it” and “pain!” 

At least I managed better than poor Tony, who decided to try a foot massage while cautioning the lady to avoid his knee surgery. Listening from across the room, I could see that his Thai was slowly returning as well, but hit a bump when he tried to yell, “Jet!” meaning “that hurts!”. Instead he kept shouting out “Pang! Pang!” which means, “Expensive! Expensive!”

As we walked back to the hotel with our knuckles dragging on the ground, I had to think of some of the many conversations we’d been having on this trip, with so many of our old mission friends from long ago.  It really brought back to mind some of the real heroes of the faith that we’ve come across lately.

Firstly, a wonderful couple in our Australian church, veteran missionary Bible translators to Papua New Guinea, recently having turned 94 and 95.  A few weeks ago they both passed to their well-deserved rewards within days of each other.  We could almost hear God saying, “Well DONE you good and faithful servants!” They will be missed, but what a way to go!

Then here in Thailand, another name popped up, someone we’d known years ago ………….. faithful to the cause.

Her name is Lorena, and as I write this, she’s strong and fit (if a little bit blind and in a wheelchair from time to time) at 103 yrs old!!  She spent years and years in Thailand after her husband died, who, if memory serves me,  I believe was a pastor.  Now she’s in the US, at the bequest of her son who would be close to 80, and was getting tired of worrying about her so far away.  I would imagine even now that she’s still ministering to those around her.   

We met her when we were working at the Baptist Student Centre, in 2008.  She was teaching a full load.  On top of that, her students were often invited to her tiny apartment to large dinners. She loved to cook for them as she shared Christ.   I wouldn’t have any idea how many young Thai’s lives were changed because of “Miss Lorena”, but I’m sure God knows, and will pass it along to her one of these days.  

I love to quote our Baptist “saint”, Lottie Moon, from the wilds of China in the 1800’s. She often was a ‘worry’ to those who administered her comings and goings from far away America.  She was prone to following the leadership of the Holy Spirit and rather than her sending board. When they expressed concerns for her health (as they often did), Lottie wrote back, “I consider myself immortal till my work on earth is done!”  (She died of malnutrition in route to the States, finally acquiescing to the board’s command to come home and seek medical attention).

And so, we are enjoying Thailand, and ‘gearing up’ for next week, our last stop of this trip. The international church in Hong Kong has asked Tony to come share his Anagaion discipleship program with them, followed by a bit of preaching. As you can imagine, Tony is, as he says, “excited as a boy in a bathtub full of bullfrogs”.  

The following Sunday, August 25th, we’ll be HOME.  

But besides the wonderful friends and family who wait for us, we will constantly be reminded of that “great cloud of witnesses” who have gone before us, leaving their marks and their memories all over the world. 

Thank you Des and Jenny…….and now still Lorena, for being such faithful witnesses to us, showing us how to live here on earth.

Love you all,


“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us.” (Hebrews 12:1)


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