Floating My Boat

 Hello My Friends!

Here I am again, still in Sunny Hawaii.  We laugh at the weather forecast which always seems to be the same, "Sunny, about 28 degrees (80 F), light winds......."  ...... and that's about it.  Who cannot say Life is good here?


But even paradise has its downsides.  I mentioned to someone the other day that my blog seems to have fewer responders lately, and the suggestion came, "Why don't you write about something more relevant than about being a missionary?"

For a minute I was stumped for an answer.  Then I realised that being a missionary is about the only thing that really floats my boat. I could write as I did last week about how "hard it is living here with Tony immensely fulfilled and me just tagging along", but somehow I don't think most of you would relate or would even be interested.  

However, Missions and evangelism will always be who I am.  I remember being nudged by God when I was a naïve 17 yr old in a youth Bible Study to 'go and share Jesus".  Ironically that wasn't even anything the leader was talking about, but came as the Still Small Voice in my head, but that's another story.  Nevertheless, that desire to be light and salt has never left me.  God has been so good to give us the label and the support to do what we love to do.  But I think I need to keep myself in check and not let my 'missionary identity' get away with me. 

I'll never forget the sage words of a fellow missionary, who related with his voice cracking about the fall of Vietnam in 1975.  As he was finally airlifted out of the war (his family had escaped a few days prior) he looked down on the burning city and said to himself, "Now, who am I?".

He had allowed himself to be proud of the fact that he was a hard working, highly successful missionary in the war-torn country. This was a fact and if you want to know what he is talking about, I suggest you read one of his many books. "Sam James, The Making of a Servant" is one of my favourites.

But as the plane spiralled away and Sam had to realise his time there was finished, the answer to "Who am I?" came in a still small voice that said, "You are my child, and I am your God".

And so, I sit here in beautiful Hawaii. I'm loving that this is one of the crossroads of missionaries coming and going to the field.  On top of that I feel that I get so much more exposure to expressing joy in sharing with the people here because they relate to the transit life of people on mission.  I feel that I actually have more opportunities to 'share' here than even back home ........ so that makes me happy. Just yesterday we got to enjoy 3 other couples we'd spent so many years with back in Japan. It was heavenly to share those memories. 

But the bottom line is that I don't think I'm going to be able to write about much else than Missions in my blogs.  I just love the stories and I hope you do to.  With all my heart, I hope you can find joy in the life of being a sharer.  Meanwhile, I need to remember that my 'worth' does not come from this identity, but from God, Who is my Creator and Father and Who gives me life.   


During my devotional time this morning, I read something from Rick Warren. He may have fallen from Southern Baptist grace, but still has some relevant things to say. In it he points out that striving for the praise and adoration of men is a slippery slope. 

And he quotes Proverbs 29:25, “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe".

And so I leave you, possibly not even reading my blogs anymore, but knowing that I’m doing the thing I love.

Blessings, Marsha


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