Holidays For All


This weekend, you have the option of celebrating TWO holidays, depending from which continent you're reading this. 

In Australia, it's Father's Day.  Mother's Day is the same no matter what hemisphere you happen to be in, because after all, we mothers operate on a different level, where “things” are not as important as relationships. Just give us a flower and a kiss on the cheek, and we’ll be happy. Father's Day, on the other hand, has to remind our men that it’s spring time out there. So naturally that brings to mind power tools.  So Father’s Day south of the equator is today, at the beginning of spring. For those of us in the north, we’ll have to wait until June 16th.

Whichever, I trust all of you today are either enjoying a great barbecue prepared by a father with a new set of utensils, or else an equally great Labour Day picnic. 

For myself, I find both holidays have their own similarities. Besides the food and family time, both days seem to shout out a great 'effort', both for the 'labour' that goes on in our lives and the 'strength it takes to be a Dad.

My clearest memory of 'Labour Day' was that it signalled that school would start the next day. As much as I loved school, it was sort of a 'labour' to go back to that routine.

But Father's Day.........again, I don't remember exactly celebrating it, since our family didn’t like to dwell on the materialistic things going on around us. But I do remember 'Daddy' (as my sister and I called him till the day he died); and I remember the low-key way he had of expressing his love for us.

He was a scientist at heart, and that meant that he was rather quiet and methodical in everything he did.  I always knew he loved us, but it wasn't until he had a heart attack that he became more outwardly affectionate and openly appreciative of all that God had blessed him with, including us. 

I pray that each of you can recall someone in your life today who could take on the role of loving father. Sadly, I know that not every family has been so blessed. But I thank God for all those men who saw the needs of the children around them and stepped up to be what those kids needed. And even if you lack that kind of person in your life, don’t forget that our Lord refers to Himself as your “Father”. 

On this Father’s Day, for you in the South and on this Labour Day for you in the North, may you be blessed with all that God has for you today. And may you know the joy of being loved.

Lots more going on around here; tune in next week and I'll tell you more! 



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