A Simple Exercise

 Good Morning,  

This week has been a bit crazy but in a happy way.  I hope you’ll forgive me for being rather shallow……..We’re  sitting in a  MacDonalds right now, waiting for our plane.  

I mentioned last week we’d be taking our second grandson for his birthday trip (at 13) out to Dubbo, an outback town about 600 miles from home.  We’ve had an absolute ball, going to the very large and famous zoo, as well as the observatory, the interactive station of the Royal Flying Doctors (who take care of the huge outback) and heaps of games and pool fun in between. Our bed will look good tonight. 

No regrets, but I haven’t had much time to think lofty thoughts for this blog.

But I did pick up one great reminder ….. in a movie of all things ….. “Red One” with Dwayne Johnson of all people about Santa getting kidnapped for Christmas. I am not recommending the movie, but it didn’t make me mad either.

Anyway, at one point, The Rock says, “We choose every day who we want to be when it comes to both big decisions and little ones”

My grandmother, who died at 93 once said to me, “I keep a notebook of clippings and sayings that I look at when I get discouraged at how I’m turning out”.  I remember thinking, “You think you’re still ‘turning out’?”

And that’s my thought for you this pre-thanksgiving week.  Make good decisions about your journey.  Choose what your’e going to do that will help you become what you were made to be.  It matters.

I have a lot of friends, and I believe most of reading this are included in that basket. Each and every one of you are facing massive decisions that will determine destinies. Health, relationships, beliefs……you name it. 

Don’t be fooled into thinking that your choices are pre-determined, set up by what you’ve done in the past. Don’t think for a minute that you’re a victim of your upbringing, your circumstances, your personality.

Every day, every moment, you have the ability to choose. That’s a gift from the One Who made you and assures you that the world can throw nothing at you that you can’t handle. That’s from 1st Corinthians 10:13, by the way.

Use your power for good. 

Have a great week in the Lord and I’ll have some more time and energy to speak about our lives soon!

Thanks, Marsha

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind And God is faithful He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear….”  1st Corinthians 10:13


  1. We have long said we make the best decisions we can with the information we have at the time, and leave it to the LORD to conform things to His will for us. It saves us from many regrets.


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