Hope for a Future

 Good Morning Friends,

It's said here in Australia (as in most places), "One should never talk politics or religion."

And as I expect, the failure to follow that advice has come a long way to getting us where we are today. 

Last week we voted on the “Liberal” platform here in Australia, which is almost identical to the Republican party in America. And much to our delight and anticipation, our state of Queensland was wrenched out of many years under the Labour (think “Democrat”) in a huge landslide. 

With groceries averaging  $100 a bag, we're all ready to see what the new conservative government can do.  Fun fact: in Australia either you vote or you are given a $150 fine.  It's not only a privilege but a duty backed up by legislation.  You might say that interferes with my freedoms, but it's nice to know I took part in the government I'm living with.

But I digress.  For my Bible reading lately, I've been in the book of Jeremiah.  I doubt he had many friends, since his entire book is focused on “Politics and Religion” as per his revelations from God Himself.  Of course, my daughter's life verse, perhaps a bit out of context, but very appropriate nonetheless, is Jeremiah  29:11. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

God was saying this to Israel.  We got the same message from God’s Word as Nicki was being born, three years before we finally met her. But that’s another story … 

Anyway, Jeremiah says (to Israel) over and over, "Turn or get ready for disaster".

I'm not in a position to tell you Americans what to do on Tuesday .......... but please pray with us that we don't go much further in this crazy generation before we try to get some civility back, along with a sense of what made America great in the first place.

Blessings, and HOPE, 



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