Through God's Eyes

 Good Morning, 

Last year when we were living in Hawaii, I found myself sitting alone in Taco Bell one day. I had decided to walk myself to a thrift store that I'd spotted earlier and kill some time while Tony was teaching.  I had determined, and still hold this premise, that it isn't worth my time to relearn how to drive in the US. The short times we're there my brain doesn't have time to switch from left side to right side as easily as it used to, so my feet were fine....until they weren't.  

Unfortunately, after about a mile, I realised I didn't know where I was going. It was hot, so I stopped into a local Taco Bell to get a drink ...... and an education.

No sooner than I had settled down under the air conditioning, a homeless man walked in.  There are a LOT of homeless people in Hawaii, even though Honolulu is second only to New York City in 'most expensive places to live'.  He was wrapped in a big blanket and held a phone to his ear.  

"Tell them to buy more stocks!" he yelled into the phone with great authority. It took me a moment to realize that this was an imagined, one-way conversation on a on existent phone, "And don't mess up on the equities like you did last time!" he added angrily. 

When he stepped up to order, I ducked down, not wanting to be involved in  how I imagined the staff would handle this 'situation'.

A young server stepped up and said, very respectfully, "What would you like today?" as if he was talking to the Wall Street Wonder that the homeless man believed he was.  

He ordered a big breakfast and (without paying) shuffled away to continue this informative talk with his executive cohorts as he wolfed down his meal.  

I was shocked.  Later when the man left, I said to the server, "Wow!  Do you get a lot of folks like that?" to which he smiled and said, "People have their issues, I like to help where I can. (I noticed he was placing money in the till for the man's breakfast)  

Michael, this lovely server, became a friend, and maybe in his own way, a mentor.  He never let on that he had any Christian inclinations, except that he acted more like Christ than I tend to… to everyone who came in.

We went to see him when we were in Hawaii a few months ago, and the staff said he'd moved on, they didn't know where. I wish him all the kindness that he gave to others, and pray someday that he finds the Man he's been emulating.  

I won't forget the impact he had on my life.  I think that yes, while we're pleased with the outcome of last week’s election in the US, (thank you for voting), we still have a lot of work to do.   A LOT of us on both sides are hurting, some of us may even be a little bit out of our minds ............

And we need to remember to LIVE the Love of Christ, as we quietly serve the tacos.  

Have a good week.  This coming Wednesday, we're taking our second grandson for his "Turning a Teenager Trip", which has now become tradition. He’s our animal lover, so we’ve flying south and west to the town of Dubbo, where lies one of the best games parks I’ve seen anywhere. Weather and energy permitting, we’ll add a day trip farther into the Outback to see the famous Siding Springs Observatory. It’s the largest dish antenna on this side of the world, and as such, has been instrumental in America’s space program. If you come across it, have a look at the movie, “The Dish”, a 2000 production starring Sam Neill. The story is about the time when the first astronauts were about to step on to Moon, and the Siding Springs dish had the job of forwarding the signals back and forth to Houston. 

Homeless people who behave like high rollers, Taco Bell cashiers who treat everyone like royalty, Outback antennas that carry messages from hallway around the world to the Moon and back, and people like me who need to learn to see all these things through God’s Eyes.

Take a dash of each, mix thoroughly with a little humility and see what a feast you can cook up!

Love you All ….. Really!



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