He's Alive!

 Happy Easter 2022 Everyone!

Just to clarify, today's blog is still a rerun from the past,  but related specifically to Easter. In the real world, we are still in Hawaii, but our time here is quickly coming to a close. Tony is preaching his last sermon before we pack up and head east on Wednesday. We'll send along travel updates as we can, interspersed with "River Crossings" excerpts. Stay tuned!

Good morning!

I’ll keep this short so you can tie that Easter bonnet on…….(or in the case of my antipodal friends, eat another Cadbury egg).

We’ve just returned from a great day at Funabashi Baptist.  They studied the Anagion course that Tony’s busy creating, wished us all goodbye and then we all worshipped together with a great sermon and Lord’s supper.  

The pastor made a thought provoking observation.  He postulated that perhaps Mary Magdalen didn’t recognize Jesus  at the open and empty tomb because she was looking for a dead body, not a risen Lord.  

That reminded me of an incident that happened to a friend in Thailand a few years ago.  

My friend, who taught at the Student Center, with us led a Thai guy to the Lord.  Chao prayed to accept Christ in his life, receive forgiveness of sins based on Jesus's death and shedding of blood.  Chao looked forward to new life believing in Christ and living the Christian lifestyle.  

Some weeks after his conversion, the two of them were careening tandem on the Chao's motorcycle thru the crazy Bangkok traffic.  My friend was trying to talk thru the traffic in the new guy’s ear.  They were ‘discussing’ his new life as a Christian.Shane said,…….”and isn’t it great that we know that now he LIVES in our hearts."

 Chao turned completely around in his seat, never letting up on the accelerator and shouted to Shane, “Are you telling me HE’S ALIVE??”  

Shane remembers thinking that they were both going to be meeting Him very soon.

As you take a break from the family, chocolate and other celebrations today, ask yourself if you’re looking for a dead body or a risen Lord!

All the best!  



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