Tailor Made

 (Note to Reader: This is another in our series of “River Crossings” blogs, written while we were in Thailand (2009-2011). Enjoy!)

You’ve heard the phrase ‘what goes around comes around’. Today I’d like to tell you a story. It involves (1) two fresh faced young missionaries a lifetime ago and (2) Tony getting a suit made this week.

In the early 70’s we were going out on our first assignment to Africa. We were young, we were enthusiastic and idealistic, we had NO IDEA! (but that’s another story). There was a guy at the mission board to train us; he was quiet and unobtrusive. He rarely spoke up and although I remember him, I remember very little. I think he was old… maybe 40 or something. He didn’t really make any huge impression on us except that he’d been somewhere in the world for a long time and maybe he didn’t have the best clothes or the latest haircut. That’s all.

Now fast forward to this last week. We were taking a short cut from our mission office to the train and were passing thru the red light district, as you do most anywhere in Bangkok. This time, however, what leapt out at me was a little tailor shop with the words emblazoned over the door, “Jesus Loves You!” and numerous fish stickers. Our friends stopped and chatted to an Indian man standing out in front and we moved on, us with our mouths hanging open.

We decided to go back the next day and see what the story was. Boy did we get a story!

It seems that about 30 years ago, Vashi the tailor, was drunk one night, like he was every night. His shop was failing, and he had little hope, even though one complete wall of his shop was totally taken up by an imposing and glittering god shelf, packed full of Indian idols. Even though he and his wife were in the shop practically 24 hours a day, the business just wasn’t coming in. Well, they had just locked up for the night, having barely sold a thing all day and were thinking about starting back home. It was 11 PM.

As they made their way up the crowded street they saw this ‘farang’ (foreigner) walking by. Vashi’s wife pushed her husband and said, “Go ask him if he wants a suit”. Vashi resisted; after all, he was drunk, tired and wanted to go home, but his wife was insistent. He approached the man and slurred out an invitation to have a suit made. “Well, how about you show me what you’ve got,” said the foreigner in a friendly way, so Vashi begrudgingly retraced his steps to the shop, pulled up the shutters and turned on the lights. The man looked around and then said, “Look, I’m leaving for the states in the morning, so I really don’t have time for anything, but thanks anyway”. Vashi then, understandably, got mad and said, “Why did you have me open the shop if you’re not going to help me out? I’ve worked so hard but I still have no business and now you’ve done this to me!”

“Oh, sorry…” he smiled, “I’d be happy to pray for you!” “”Ha!” shouted Vashi. “Do you think I’m not doing that? Look at this enormous godshelf, it’s doing NO good whatsoever.” The foreigner smiled again and said, “Let’s try the REAL GOD” and he bowed his head and prayed quietly. He then invited them to the church just a couple of blocks away and said that even though he’d be on a plane in the morning, he was sure they’d be welcome. The next morning Vashi’s wife said, “How about you just go and check out that church while I mind the shop… we certainly can use something that’s real!” So even though he didn’t particularly want to go, it was better than sitting around watching his business go down the drain, Vashi went to church for the first time… and the rest is history. Now 30+ years later, Vashi’s tailor shop sits in the middle of the steaming red light district. They keep it there because YWAM missionaries use the storefront every night, all night long as a prayer and ministry oasis for the countless prostitutes that are searching for the truth.

…and Tony’s getting a new suit, all because of a shy and quiet man who barely influenced OUR lives but acted on the voice of the Holy Spirit, leading him to impact thousands.

Remember to listen to that still small voice (and possibly even the pushy one that belongs to your wife) as you go thru this week and see what the Lord has in store for you.


Tony and Marsha

…because our gospel came to you not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction… (1Thessalonians 1:15)


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