News Break

So, as they used to say, "We interrupt this program with a special bulletin".  While you continue to read thru my book, "River Crossings" from years ago,  I thought I'd jump in and catch you up with life on the road thus far.

This week, we left the beautiful island of Oahu, and have now landed safely in Los Angeles.  Tony finished his four-month term as guest professor at Gateway Seminary’s Hawaiian satellite school.  He confessed that it’s going to be a shock to no longer be known as “Dr. Woods” by everybody we’ve had any contact with. And with the shortage of pastors all over Hawaii, it’s been a feast of opportunities to preach at least once every Sunday, sometimes twice. For Tony, it’s been like pouring gasoline on a fire. We just don't have sufficient words to say how fun, rewarding and inspiring it’s been for both of us.

Proverbs 27:17-23 comes to mind as a passage that best describes what we’ve been experiencing these last 4 months:

“Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another. Whoever tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and he who guards his master will be honoured. As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.”

I think most of you know how my, "It's all about me" attitude can come across as one who is self-absorbed and full of my own stories. I hope that’s not true; please forgive me if you see me this way. But get this: in Hawaii, I think I met my match.  The people weren't egotistical at all, but they just had so many life experiences and God stories to tell, we were constantly left amazed and inspired.  We added all those delightful experiences to our own, and the result was a lot of iron-sharpening and faith-growing, where the boundaries between student and teacher, mentor and mentee melted away, and hopefully we were all left better people for the time spent. 

And then, to top it off, the celebration of the students on the last day really showed me how much Tony had helped them. 

God's community is so inspiring.

We flew uneventfully over the rest of the Pacific and landed in Long Beach, to be met by a girl who was 15 the last time we saw her............45 years ago.  We were her temporary parents as she and several others lived in a dormitory we ran for the mission while their parents conducted church work in the far inland area of Liberia, West Africa.  We hadn't really caught up over the years, but I'd watched from afar, as had she.  When she saw on Facebook we were headed to the mainland, she sent me a text asking, "Will you be anywhere near Long Beach?”  How good is God to send us a lovely family to collect us with our heavy bags and unstable steps?  There is even talk of a reunion of some of the other kids if we can fit it in next week. How rewarding that would be for us.  

So that's about it for the catch up.  We leave tomorrow on a very cheap cruise down the coast for a few days in Mexico.  We don't expect any dramas and hope to do some writing.  (If you don't know this, sometimes cruises, as in this case, are cheaper per night than staying and eating on land).  Anyway, we're excited. 

If you're confused, at the timing of this blog, we’re sending this out a day early before we lose the internet.  Lately I've had so many hits on my blog from countries all over the world, I must believe they're (hopefully friendly) bots.  Maybe moving the day will confuse them, but let me just say (if they're looking for key words)


Till next time, happy trails. Marsha 


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