Never Forsaken

 (Note to Reader: This is another in our series of “River Crossings” blogs, written while we were in Thailand (2009-2011). Enjoy!)

The word for ‘acquaintance’ in Thai is “Rui Jack”. It’s not spelled that way, but that’s how it sounds. Funny sounding, really … so much so that I remember it by going back to that silly movie, “Kangaroo Jack” and associating it with an ‘acquaintance”: just sorta ‘hopping’ in and out of your life.

Yesterday we went to a Japanese concert organized by the two groups we work with in town. We caught up with a lady and her family that were in the Japanese church in Hong Kong where we pastored briefly in 1996. We hadn’t seen her in 14 years, but of course in the family of Christ, it was just like yesterday. Then last night we had dinner with a missionary and reminisced about people we’d known and worked with years and years ago but are now lost to us. We were ‘rui jacks’ and now they’ve ‘hopped’ out of our lives… maybe till we meet again in heaven!

Do you think Jesus ever had ‘rui jacks’? Is He the kind who would just get to know you and then leave the scene? You know the answer to that. Isn’t it great that He never NOT knows you or worse yet, would ever FORGET you? The human in me wonders if He ever WISHES He didn’t know some people… but of course you know that answer to that too!

I digress. On the news front, we’ve completed language level two, but have decided (in mutual agreement with our teachers) that it would be a good thing if we take a break from the organized classroom and just spend this month ‘getting it up to speed’. They say we’ve got the vocabulary and know the forms; we’re just a bit slow off the block when we speak. So the plan starting tomorrow is to meet separately with a private tutor every day and PRACTICE  PRACTICE PRACTICE for the next month. Without fellow classmates to keep us honest, I’m a little afraid that we’ll get lazy, but on the other hand going nose to nose with a tutor may actually double our output! 

Pray for us. Tony’s filling up his schedule with Japanese preaching and church work, which is exciting in itself, but we must consider it a distraction till we GET this LANGUAGE! As I said, we’d appreciate your prayers to stay on course.

 Have a great week, fellow rui jacks. And wherever things take us, may we never lose track of the mob. 

Tony and Marsha

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5 


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